Taking Strides
towards a Greener Future

The Company’s extensive Environment Management System complements policies, procedures, and practices with industry-leading standards, enabling it to proactively tackle climate risks, reduce waste generation, and promote recycling. The Company actively endorses the integration of climate change measures into national policies, underscoring its commitment to broader environmental initiatives and sustainable practices.

Climate and Emissions Management

The Company is committed to reducing its Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through various projects and initiatives. To meet these objectives, it has implemented a range of measures, including transitioning to alternative fuels, reducing clinker factor, increasing blended cement production, enhancing energy efficiency, deploying waste heat recovery systems, and embracing automation technologies. By actively pursuing these strategies, the Company strives to minimise its environmental footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future.

GHG Emissions

The Company monitors and reports CO2 emissions in its integrated manufacturing unit. The direct GHG emissions of the plant almost entirely consists of CO2. The contribution of other non-CO2 GHG emissions is negligible.

Scope 1

It covers direct emissions from the chemical process of cement manufacturing, fuel combustion in kiln, combustion of fuels for power generation, and on-site vehicle movement within premises, among others.

Scope 2

It covers emissions associated with purchased electricity from grid.

Details of GHG Emissions
Parameter Unit FY 2024 FY 2023
Scope 1 emissions Tonnes of
12,89,519 14,28,572
Scope 2 emissions Tonnes of
3,301 60,404

Energy Management

Reducing the energy footprint remains a constant focus across all the businesses, recognising energy consumption as a key indicator. The operations depend on a combination of energy sources, including fossil fuels, alternate fuels, renewable energy, and Waste Heat Recovery Systems (WHRS). A meticulous tracking of energy consumption is maintained across facilities and equipment, aiding in mapping consumption patterns and structures. This enables the Company to prioritise and implement energy conservation initiatives effectively.

Specific Thermal Energy Consumption

(kCal/kg of clinker produced)

Other Air Emissions

In addition to greenhouse gas emissions, the combustion of fuel in operations generates air pollutants like nitrogen oxides (NOx) and sulfur oxides (SOx), contributing to the environmental impact of the industry. Furthermore, the business contributes particulate emissions due to fuel combustion and vehiclemovement.


0 tonnes

NOx consumption in
FY 2023-24

0 tonnes

SOx consumption in
FY 2023-24

0 tonnes

Particulate matter (PM) in
FY 2023-24

Water Management

Water is a key focus area and a vital component of SIL’s sustainable development plan. Limited water is used for cooling, dust suppression, and human consumption. Central to its effective water stewardship is a continuous focus on monitoring and measuring key water-related factors, including withdrawal, consumption, recycling, and final disposal. Through water stewardship efforts, the Company aims to contribute to a more sustainable future where access to clean, safe, and abundant water is assured for generations to come.

0.1 million KL

Total water consumption

Waste Management

The Company upholds the integrity of its products by ensuring they are free from hazardous and toxic chemicals, demonstrating its commitment to responsible manufacturing. This dedication is reinforced by its certification under ISO 14001:2015, which covers its entire cement manufacturing operations. Within the Company’s environmental management system, it has established comprehensive waste management guidelines, covering identification, segregation, collection, recycling, and responsible disposal.

Embracing the principles of the 6R framework, including Rethink, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Refuse, and Repair, guides its waste management practices, aiming to minimise waste generation and maximise resource efficiency. Through regular awareness sessions, the Company empowers its employees to fulfil their roles and responsibilities in waste management, fostering a culture of environmental consciousness. Its commitment to continuous improvement is demonstrated by its monthly monitoring of waste data, enabling it to identify areas for enhancement and implement targeted strategies to further enhance its environmental performance.

Waste Co-processed

The Company is using alternate fuel resources and has made significant investments in upgrading its pre-processing and co-processing infrastructure, transforming highly diverse waste streams into a homogeneous mix suitable for co-processing in cement kilns. This process converts waste into an alternative resource, reducing reliance on traditional fossil fuels, conserving natural resources, and cutting greenhouse gas emissions.


0.05 MMT

Total waste generated
in FY 2023-24


0.04 MMT

Total waste recycled
in FY 2023-24



Hazardous waste sent to
landfill FY 2023-24


Quantity of
Co-processed Waste


Biodiversity Management

The Company’s manufacturing sites are deliberately situated away from specific biodiversity zones, World Heritage sites, and IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) category I-IV protected areas, in alignment with its group policy. It pledges to refrain from establishing new sites or explorations within these protected areas. The limestone used is responsibly sourced from captive mines near the plants, utilising surface miners to eliminate drilling and blasting. Located in the Kutch District, one of the most underdeveloped areas in the country characterised by desert landscapes and extreme weather, the plant has initiated transformative measures. This includes the construction of three check dams for rainwater harvesting, aiming to combat perennial drought and enhance the surrounding ecosystem. Through planned microhabitat development, perennial water sources have been created, fostering tree plantation activities and the establishment of nurseries. Additionally, the planting of fast-growing trees contributes to the rapid development of natural shade in the area.

Responsible Mining

The Company possesses surface mines. Surface mine operations include surface milling (windrowing) and direct crushing to desired sizes. This eliminates drilling-blasting and primary crushing, which helps reduce atmospheric pollution and ground vibrations. The area of the mining lease is free from any habitation, therefore, no rehabilitation and resettlement is involved. To minimise the release of particulate matter at site, the plantation is carried out along the haul roadside. At the end of mining operations, most of the area will be used as rainwater storage. However, at present, all the pits are working pits. Primary reason for choosing this method of mining closure is that Kutch is one of the most arid and barren areas of the country and groundwater is very limited. Therefore, it is more feasible to use the closed mine for water conservation and groundwater recharge.

Environment Compliance

The Company can affirm that it is 100% compliant with all applicable environmental laws, regulations, and guidelines in India, including the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, and the Environment Protection Act, along with their respective rules.